
Spanish Numbers

Cardinal numbers (números cardinales)

0cero zero
1uno, una, un one
2dos two
3tres three
4cuatro four
5cinco five
6seis six
7siete seven
8ocho eight
9nueve nine
10diez ten
11once eleven
12doce twelve
13trece thirteen
14catorce fourteen
15quince fifteen
16dieciséis sixteen
17diecisiete seventeen
18dieciocho eighteen
19diecinueve nineteen
20veinte twenty
22veintidós twenty-two
23veintitrés twenty-three
24veinticuatro twenty-four
25veinticinco twenty-five
26veintiséis twenty-six
27veintisiete twenty-seven
28veintiocho twenty-eight
29veintinueve twenty-nine
30treinta thirty
31treinta y uno,
treinta y una
32treinta y dos thirtytwo
33treinta y tres thirtythree
34treinta y cuatro thirtyfour
35treinta y cinco thirtyfive
36treinta y séis thirtysix
37treinta y siete thirtyseven
38treinta y ocho thirtyeight
39treina y nueve thirtynine
40cuarenta forty
50cincuenta fifty
60sesenta sixty
70setenta seventy
80ochenta eighty
90noventa ninety
100cien one hundred,
a hundred
101ciento uno,
ciento una
one hundred one
102ciento dos one hundred two
two hundred
three hundred
four hundred
five hundred
six hundred
seven hundred
eight hundred
nine hundred
1.000mil one thousand
1.001mil uno,
mil una
one thousand and one
1.020mil veinte one thousand and twenty
1.100mil cien one thousand one hundred
1.110mil ciento diez one thousand one hundred and ten
2.000dos mil two thousand
3.000tres mil three thousand
100.000cien mil one hundred thousand
600.000seiscientos mil six hundred thousand
1.000.000un millón one million
2.000.000dos millones two million
2.000.004dos millones cuatro two million and four

Masculine and feminine numbers

In Spanish, all numbers ending in one have both a masculine and a feminine form.

In Spanish, the number "one" is used like the article "a/an".

Click on the link for more information. The indefinite article in Spanish

Singular and plural numbers

Some numbers in Spanish can be singular or plural

"Billón" in Spanish is different than "Billion" in English

In Spanish, the word “billón”, refers to a number different than it does in English. In English (in all English-speaking countries and Brazil), a billon is, and in Spanish (and also in non-English speaking countries, except for Brazil) a billon is This is very important to remember because it can be cause of misunderstanding in translations. So, be careful! In the table below, notice that this also affectsnumbers greater than a billon.

106millón millon
109millardo (mil millones) billon
1012billón trillion
1015billardo (mil billones) quadrillion
1018trillón quintillion

Ordinals numbers

primero primerafirst
segundo segundasecond
tercero tercerathird
cuarto cuartafourth
quinto quintafifth
sexto sextasixth
séptimo séptimaseventh
octavo octavaeighth
noveno novenaninth
10ºdécimo 10ªdécimatenth
11ºundécimo 11ªundécimaeleventh
12ºduodécimo 12ªduodécimatwelfth
13ºdécimo tercero 13ªdécimo tercerathirteenth
14ºdécimo cuarto 14ªdécimo cuartafourteenth
15ºdécimo quinto 15ªdécimo quintafifteenth
16ºdécimo sexto 16ªdécimo sextasixteenth
17ºdécimo séptimo 17ªdécimo séptimaseventeenth
18ºdécimo octavo 18ªdécimo octavaeighteenth
19ºdécimo noveno 19ªdécimo novenanineteenth
20ºvigésimo 20ªvigésimatwentieth
21ºvigésimo primero 21ªvigésimo primeratwenty-first
22ºvigésimo segundo 22ªvigésimo segundatwenty-second
23ºvigésimo tercero 23ªvigésimo terceratwenty-third
24ºvigésimo cuarto 24ªvigésimo cuartatwenty-fourth
25ºvigésimo quinto 25ªvigésimo quintatwenty-fifth
26ºvigésimo sexto 26ªvigésimo sextatwenty-sixth
27ºvigésimo séptimo 27ªvigésimo séptimatwenty-seventh
28ºvigésimo octavo 28ªvigésimo octavatwenty-eighth
29ºvigésimo noveno 29ªvigésimo novenatwenty-ninth
30ºtrigésimo 30ªtrigésimathirtieth
31ºtrigésimo primero 31ªtrigésimo primerathirty-one
40ºcuadragésimo 40ªcuadragésimafortieth
50ºquincuagésimo 50ªquincuagésimafiftieth
60ºsexagésimo 60ªsexagésimasixtieth
70ºseptuagésimo 70ªseptuagésimaseventieth
80ºoctogésimo 80ªoctogésimaeightieth
90ºnonagésimo 90ªnonagésimaninetieth
100ºcentésimo 100ªcentésimahundredth
101ºcentésimo primero 101ªcentésimo primerahundred and first
102ºcentésimo segundo 102ªcentésimo segundahundred and second
1.000ºmilésimo 1000ªmilésimathousandth
1.001ºmilésimo primero 1001ªmilésimo primerathousand and first
1.000.000ºmillonésimo 1.000.000ªmillonésimamillionth


Ordinals numbers used as denominator in fractions are plural if the number of the numerator is higher 1 and singular if the number of the numerator is 1.

3/5 Tres quintos
2/4 Dos cuartos
1/6 Un sexto
1/4 Un cuarto

Exceptions for fractions

If the denominator is 2,the word "medio" is used, if it is 3, the word "tercio" is used.

2/3 Dos tercios

It is not possible to say “dos terceros”, but the feminine plural form is used in the phrase,"dos terceras partes" ("two thirds parts").

13/2 Trece medios

It is not possible to use say "trece segundos" because “trece segundos” means thirteen seconds.

"Y" (and) is used between numbers and fractions.

12/4 Uno y dos cuartos
12/3 Uno y dos tercios
113/2 Uno y trece medios

If the denominator is 2, the feminine form (media) is used in front of feminine nouns, and the masculine form (medio) is used in front of masculine nouns.

Quiero medio melón (1/2)
I want a half melon

Melon is masculine. For this reason, we use medio.

Quiero media manzana(1/2)
I want a half apple

Apple is feminine. For this reason, we use media.

Quiero un melón y medio(11/2)
I want one melon and a half

Quiero una manzana y media(11/2)
I want one apple and a half

"Media" y "cuarto" is used also for time.

Es la una y media
Half past one (1:30)

Son las tres y cuarto
Quarter past three (3:15)

Decimals numbers

In Spain, and in most other Spanish-speaking countries (NOT Mexico), decimal points are used for whole numbers, and commas are used for decimal numbers.

0,1cero coma uno
0,01cero coma cero uno
1.020,45mil veinte coma cuarenta y cinco
12.400,30doce mil cuatrocientos coma treinta

Positive and Negative Numbers

The word más is used for positives numbers.

The word menos is used for negatives numbers.

(+3) más tres
positive three three

(-2) menos dos
negative two

(-2,4) menos dos coma cuatro
negative two point four